Welcome to midlands astronomy club

About the Club

Midlands Astronomy Club was founded in 1986 as the Tullamore Astronomical Society. Over the years the club grew and expanded outside the Tullamore area and more and more members joined from the surrounding towns and counties. In order to better represent its membership and the expanding areas of its activities it was decided to change the name to Midlands Astronomy Club.
When starting out the club had only one small 6ins reflector telescope and now boasts many telescopes of various types, sizes and capabilities.

Pre pandemic the club activities included regular monthly meetings consisting of lectures, demonstrations and discussions on Astronomy and related topics. Various outreach events were held throughout the Midland region such as at Athlone Castle and at the Great Telescope in Birr. Visits to schools and clubs are also an important part of the clubs activities, building and launching rockets being a very popular and fun activity.
The MAC monthly meetings will resume in October 2022

MAC also organize and run the longest running Star Party in the country. This event began in 1992 as The Irish Astrofest held in conjunction with The Irish Astronomical Society (IAS). After several years the IAS withdrew and when deciding to go it alone the club renamed the event COSMOS and under that name it has continued every year until interrupted by the Pandemic.
Held over a weekend on March 25th it consists of talks by prominent speakers in the field of Astronomy and science, both amateur and professional from Ireland and abroad.
There are also displays, posters, equipment, books and the satisfaction of meeting and chatting with likeminded people from all over the country.
COSMOS will return on March 23rd 2024

Whats up in july 

What are some skywatching highlights in July 2024?
The Moon and planets come together twice in the morning sky – at the start and end of July, find the elusive planet Uranus with some help from Mars, and two star clusters – M6 and M7 – are well placed for viewing in the evening.

astronomy links


For all your needs to finding out were the ISS is now and when to see it in your location just click on the Image


Printable versions of skymaps for your location, very user friendly and can be used by Clubs and Schools just click on the Image


Did you ever wonder what you are looking at in the night sky, now you can with this Free Astronomy Software available to download on mobile or PC so just click on the Image